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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Jason joins the Hammock Brothers full time: his early retirement story...


We're back!!! Today is Saturday May 1st and it's the first day of the rest of my life. For the past two months after coming back from my time on the road with Jon, Sam, Justin, and Buzzer, I have been methodically, and tediously putting away every dime that I could so that I could follow through with leaving my job, and being free to travel, and explore for the foreseeable future. At times it has been hard, (like deciding to sell my car to reduce my debt and lower my monthly expenses/selling my furniture/ following a strict budget accounting for my entire paychecks) but not for a minute have I questioned my decision of leaving my job and pursuing my Passion. I have held close to my heart very strong beliefs about why I am taking the calculated risk of leaving my job. I believe the more risk I take in life the more reward, as well as less regret that I didn't truly live life. I believe at 24 years old there is nothing more that I want to do in my life than to travel, couch surf, live simply, follow my passion, experience new people and cultures, and live for the day. I, like most people, have had a tendency of putting too much hope in the future and not appreciating today as much as I should, and I am determined to re-condition my mind and get the most out of every single day. Some may think I am crazy for doing what I am doing, and maybe I am, but I know it is the right thing for me to do. I'm looking forward to escaping the rat race as long as possible - and we're actively seeking ways that our next source of income might not be a job as much as a passion. As a group the hammock brothers are growing not only in numbers but in a diverse array of talents, strengths, ideas, and we all feel how much stronger we are as a group than we are individually. We've been brought together by our adventurous spirit which has enabled us to do far more than we ever thought - but we're realizing working together can drive us to new highs in all aspects of our life.

In the past month or so since the last update not too much has gone on. Justin and Jon have been tieing up their loose ends, enjoying the last bit of time at our home, and preparing for our departure. I have been working, saving, reading a ton and hanging out with family, for it will probably be a while until I see most of them. The past week has been really hard on me having to say good bye to all of my clients that I have gotten to know over the past year. I truly am going to miss most of them, and I hope they follow my travels. Last night, they threw an early retirement party for me and as a symbol of me not being a slave to my alarm clock any more, Jon and Justin surprised me with a hammer, and my alarm clock to bash up into a million pieces. It was like the scene from Office Space where he took all of his aggression out on the copier machine - except with a crowd of envious onlookers wishing they were the ones smashing their alarm clocks.  I had a great time and I was happy to be able to share my excitement with my friends. Jon, Justin, and I have been deciding what path we want to choose for our travels and we have been discussing backpacking either Mexico, South America, or Europe, or buying a sail boat and sailing around Vancouver Island.We are on the cusp of making our decision and we are leaning toward sailing around the island for many reasons; like the accomplishment, challenge, lifestyle, and adventure that it would provide us. Next Friday we will be headed to Hawaii for a week and will be updating the blog while we are there, and then we will be leaving for wherever we end up going.

 For all of you that have been following our adventures, I appreciate every one of you and look forward to providing you with inspirational, entertaining content. Now that I have joined the team full time the blog will be updated more frequently. Our vision for what this website should be is a place where you can learn, grow, and experience this world with us and through our eyes in a way that inspires you to pursue your passions, and dreams, whatever they may be. Exciting adventures are ahead so please continue to follow us and please help spread the word as we begin traveling again. Thank you again, and always remember, seize the day.


  1. I knew you would follow your passion but it's even better to see and read that it is actually happening! I'm so happy for you! I couldn't stop laughing.....hammering your alarm clock to pieces! Your words are very inspiring and definitely entertaining :) Cheers to the Hammock Brothers and the road ahead!

  2. Congrats Jason, sounds like you're doing it all right. Looking forward to following along with the adventure...

