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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

S.S. New York

Tavo just finished a video that is going to be displayed with artifacts from the wreck at the Museum Exhibit.

Check it out...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A long overdue update.

Hello everbody!

So, it’s a new year! Massive happy new year to all of you guys, and whilst I don’t think that people should have to wait for the start of a new year to change and improve themselves, it still seems like a fitting time to update you on my life at the moment!

As I briefly alluded to in my email to you guys, I spent all of August up in Edinburgh working during the Fringe Festival - a month long feast of comedy, drama and music. I had a few small jobs, promoting shows and bars mostly, and it allowed me to meet a lot of incredibly and dedicated people. The streets could not have been more alive for those days and nights, and I had some brilliant beer fuelled evenings in fine company. There is something wonderful about wondering the cobbled streets at night, roaming from pub to pub, joining the happy bustle of the life in that city. It comes a very close second to San Francisco! After work some nights I would hop the fence of the gardens in the centre of town, and amble through them alone in the night, just thinking and thinking for hours on end. There is something amazing about being alone like that, and on a personal level I’ve found that if I’m drunk when I partake in such ramblings, my thoughts become a true pleasure to behold, and I travel a long way in my head.
After I returned from Edinburgh in the summer, I had a brief stop at home, before setting off to Oxford University. My first eight weeks there have passed in the blink of an eye, and although the first term has been almost entirely filled with making friends and acquaintances, and I have not even began to utilise all the sensational benefits of being there, I can tell it’s going to be an amazing place for me. There are fascinating and captivating people at every turn, and if I seize the opportunity with both hands like I hope I will, I know I will learn enough there to see me on my right path in life. There are people there from all walks of life, and speaking to them every day holds enormous potential for me to learn about life and to develop my views and opinions. The city is also an incredible and beautiful place to live and to roam … quaint and romantic … although a lot of my money has been spent on beer!
And now I’m on ‘Christmas vacation’ as you Yankees call it! I have started to keep a diary with me at all times, recording in it any thoughts and ponderings I feel are worthy of preservation. I believe it will be a fascinating and profound project for me. I have also been playing guitar a lot, so Jon you will be glad to know that next time we meet we can jam together! Learning to speak Spanish and French are my longer term goals, and hopefully I might head to Europe some time soon to practice!
My time at the moment is split into sections. When I’m at uni I’m learning all the while, and when I’m not I try to read and to think and write and learn still. But ultimately all my time is spent with travels in view, everything is geared towards travelling, and creating a lifestyle I believe in for when I finish here. With that in mind, this summer I hope to travel a lot. I would love you guys to be a massive part of that, wherever and whenever that may be … but that is something we can discuss soon no doubt!

Speak soon guys,

Sam x

P.s. It has also become a belief of mine that writing letters is the finest means of communication, and as such if I could get your respective addresses I’d love to write to you guys.